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about | space Personal Concierge service helps busy individuals and families in or near the Little Rock area manage and organize their lives.


How about we take some of your tasks off of your hands to free up precious time?

It can be as simple as having a birthday party gift bought, wrapped and delivered to you, or a cleaned and stocked fridge ready for house guests.  Or you may need someone to stay at your home to oversee a home renovation or wait for that crucial delivery when you just can’t make it home in time. Or you may need someone to take care of your home while on vacation, leaving you reassured that all is OK. Here are more examples of concierge services that we offer:


• Pick up and drop off item at your child's school

• Pick up your car for service, detailing, new tires, etc.

• Senior visits, check-ins, and quality time

• Schedule appointments, calendar management

• Store returns

• Package pick up and drop off to your shipper of choice


With about | space's Personal Concierge, we make it easy! We offer comprehensive concierge packages as well as a la carte services for those who are more comfortable paying by the hour. Whatever you need, About Space has you covered, giving you more time to do the things you want to do, rather than the things you have to do.







personal concierge, de-clutter, Little Rock, arkansas
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