Soooo anything new with you guys (insert LOL emoji here)? I have temporarily ceased most professional organizing business operations due to the corona virus and have been focusing completely on helping people get organized via my Facebook decluttering group (I hope you are in it!) I'll be launching virtual organizing soon, but guess what? I'm not in a hurry. You wanna know why? I finally have some extra time (granted, it was forced, but hey, I'll take it), and I am taking full advantage of it and making myself slow down a bit. It's a scary time for everyone, especially small business owners, but it certainly makes you realize what's really important. Health, family, and life in general should not be taken for granted.
So - I'm just taking a moment to catch up on Three things Thursday. I was so busy organizing for clients pre-quarantine that I have let the blog fall by the wayside a bit (and I'm sorry for that!). So here are three things I have discovered during my downtime that I want to share with you.

1) Get organized - OR DON'T - So many people are taking time to clean and organize right now (and you know I LOVE that!). But I want to also be a little voice of reason in the back of your head - to let you know it's okay if it looks like a bomb exploded in your house. These are unprecedented times and we are each dealing with the stress in different ways. Some of us use tidying and to feel control, and some of us need to let these duties slide right now. However you choose to deal with what's happening right now is OKAY. We are all in this together and if things look different to you than your neighbor it is fully expected and fully OKAY.

2) Focus on what really matters - whether it's one on one with those you are quarantining with, or through the magical world of facetime - use this time to spend with the ones you love. And - if you have kids/grandkids/any kid in your life - please enjoy the even MORE magical world of Facebook's "Messenger Kids" to hang out with them more (think snapchat meets recess - IT IS A MUST DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN - YOU'RE WELCOME).

3) Get outside - We are in Little Rock and I swear it just rained for 10 days straight, but we have had little peeks of sunshine here and there and we run outside to enjoy them. We are using our chalk and our bubbles and our bikes and our scooters. We see our neighbor friends from 6+ feet away and are enjoying life in a much more simpler way than before. We smell the flowers and get muddy and play games. Protip: It's easy to temporarily forget how scary this virus is when the world is whizzing by on your bicycle.

SO - no real organizing gems here. But lots of love and good wishes from your friendly professional organizer. Stay safe folks. And be kind to each other.
Peace, love, and labelmakers,
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