
Sep 15, 20161 min


Happy Friday Junior! Here are this week's 3 things! Links at the bottom.

1) keepy. I have every work of art by my little Picassos documented because of a little app called keepy. And my little artists can even add commentary if they want. Add photos too and share with your friends and family. Good stuff!

2) Whilst organizing tiny Brooklyn apartments I really learned that you have to make use of every possible space. I love this slim pantry that can really get all up in that formerly useless space between the fridge and the wall.

3) I think this round metal wall shelf is so pretty, and quite useful too. Maybe I'll get "around" to picking it up at Target!

Have a wonderful weekend y'all! Peace, love, and labelmakers,


#USEFUL #ORGANIZED #HOMEORGANIZATION #ORGANIZEARKANSAS #THREETHINGSTHURSDAY #threethingsthursday #mariekondo #yumbox #cartrunkorgnaizer #organizedcar #swingline #sleekstapler #backtoschool #keepy #slimorganiztion #slideoutpantry #wallshelving
