I hope you all are having a beautiful, uncluttered New Year! I know it's all everyone could talk about in 2016. And now we are all feeling depressed about it in 2017 - it's...your pantry. Here are some ways to whip it into shape in the new year!
1) Expired food: GUYS - how old is that box of cornbread mix? Those Harry Potter cake decorations? Almost all food comes with an expiration date. Next time you are in your pantry - take a whopping 3 minutes and blitz through one shelf to check all the expiration dates. If it's expired or looks suspect - TOSS IT.
If you take 3 minutes a day with this action you can clear out your entire pantry my next Thursday (unless you are Khloe Kardashian, in which case, call me!).

2) Old Spice: No, not the aftershave. The exception to the expiration date rule above is spice. Many just do not come with an expiration date (I know, right?). Open the lid and give it a sniff. If there is no smell, there will be no flava. And we needs the flava!

3) Condiments that came with your take-out order: Okay - these may not be in your pantry - BUT.. they need to go ASAP. When was the last time you used a tiny packet of light soy sauce instead of that gorgeous full bottle of it in your fridge? Or (gasp) HUNT'S Ketchup? Mama don't play without da real Heinz! (No, seriously, my mom is from Pittsburgh and she will not allow you to mess around with the fake stuff, not even in a packet.)

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!

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