Do you remember that book from the 90s - Chicken Soup for the soul? (they should have called it "a bottle of wine for the soul", but that's neither here nor there).
Yes, it was super cheesy. But I love the idea of a book/blog/life full of feel-good rando stories of kindness to lift you up. I also like soup.
Talk about your WIN -WIN people.

Anyhoodle.. my point is that kindness helps to clear mind clutter. All of your synapses get going and before you know it you are all in a good mood and things are going your way.
The staff at About Space (party of 1) has been unusually busy lately (empire-building and what-not), so I decided that instead of my usual 3 things Thursday, I'm going to challenge you, gentle reader, to commit to 3 acts of kindness between now and the weekend.
I'm not saying go crazy, but you can be intentional in small ways. You never know what's going on in someone else's life or the impact you may have.
Deep thoughts, by About Space. Now go forth and be kind people!
Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!
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