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Three things Thursday!

No time? Here are some hacks.

I have a 2 and a 3 year old, I run a business, and I try to be active in my community. This means that I am often a little bit short on time. Do you find yourself in the same jam? Here are 3 things that help save me time, energy, and money.

1) Easy cheesey

I love a good grilled cheese sammich. It's a kid/mom staple. What I don't love is dripping grease, and cleaning the pan afterward. So these little reusable numbers are meal-time-magic that I found in Kroger...TO MAKE GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES IN YOUR TOASTER!!!!

* PS also works for reheating french fries, if you are into that sort of thing ;)

2) block bag

I'm hesitant to share this since I am so fond of stepping on stray legos in the middle of the night.


All of our little bits and bobs go in this drawstring playmat. Pull the string after playtime and Voila! All clean.

3) You don't need to vacuum...ever again.

So this little guy is said to be better than the roomba. I read the reviews and am

thinking of purchasing. I hope it sucks! Gosh, I certainly can crack myself up with these puns.

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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