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Three things Thursday!

Selling your home? Here are some tips to declutter and show your house in its best light.

Are you contemplating a move? Clean and uncluttered homes sell best. De- personalizing your home also allows potential buyers to to envision themselves living in your (former) home. Even if you are not in the market, consider these tips as a home refresher.

1) kitchen

This room makes or breaks a home, and if you have clutter or obvious lack of storage, it will be a big turn-off to a buyer. Try to make your counters as bare and minimal as possible -same for the front of your fridge (ditch those mazzio's pizza magnets, in fact, ditch all the magnets!). Straighten up your pantry and put things in an orderly fashion. Deep clean any areas that you have neglected (it's okay, we all have them).

2) closets

Y'all don't go throwing all your junk in a closet! Buyers will definitely take note of your home's lack of storage space in this endeavor as well. Pre-sale is a great time to declutter. You are hoping to move soon, right? Declutter now instead of paying to move all that stuff! It's a decluttering twofer!

3) bathrooms

Envision your bathroom as a hotel bathroom - put all of your personal cosmetics, lotions, and hair care away. Same as in the kitchen, clear that counter space! Get rid of old or half used bottles. Stock the towel rack with fresh matching towels, put out a new bar of soap, and add a single flower in a vase. You know you have a great house, but these small details can help put your home shoppers in the buying frame of mind!

Good luck!

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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