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Three things Thursday!

How's that garage looking???

Garages (or GARE-idges for my royal readers) are tough in almost every home that I visit. Almost 1 in 4 Americans say that their garage is too cluttered to park their car in. Why, you ask? Garages have become THE catch all for the home. And no one cares, because it's the garage. Right?

Well here at About Space we think caring is sharing, and we want to share some tips to show your garage that you DO care about it's state.

Guys, don't become a statistic.

1) Get rid of unused appliances.

Often times our kitchen appliance cup runneth over and spills into the garage. But let's examine this sitch... How many times have you used that ice cream maker? That cake pop stand? Your as-seen-on-TV pasta strainer (even though it really does help to avoid steam burns)? Do you have more than 1 toaster? If you have not used these items in the last year, they are probably just wasting space. Donate them or give them away.


2) excess coolers

How many do you REALLY need? Really.


Client: but this one has a built in blender!

About Space: see tip 1

3) add peg or slat board to your walls to free up floor space

Peg or slat board is an inexpensive way to put all of your garden gear, tools, lawn chairs, or even spray paint on to the wall. This type of storage can help you reach the holy grail of of garage organization, where the only thing on the floor are your cars. Ahhhhhhhh.

Photo credit: The Creativity Exchange

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!


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