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Three things Thursday!

Want more hours in your work day?

I can't help you Hermione Granger your time. But you can make the time that you do have more productive. Here are 3 tips that I use daily to make my time more efficient.

1) Develop sick calendar skillz.

I think I remember a time when I had a great memory. Maybe. But now that my job no longer adheres to a strict schedule - and I have 2 busy toddlers - I'm afraid those days are over. That's why I put absolutely everything on my calendar (and I mean everything, I get an alert to go to bed). I use the Cozi app. A client actually introduced the Cozi calendar app to me last year. You can put your whole family on it! And it auto updates and populated to each phone! I check Cozi on Sunday night to see what everyone is up to for the week. I also set 2 reminders for almost everything..because memory.

*The best part is the shared grocery list. Never run out of diapers again with this handy feature that allows everyone to add or check off your grocery items.


2) Rip the bandaid off in the AM

Try to tackle your biggest tasks in the AM when you have the most energy. That sense of accomplishment will last and invigorate your remaining tasks.

3) Will the most productive employee please stand up, please stand up,

please stand up?

Y'all know you gotta move around and get that energy and brain juice moving right? I am the biggest sucker for the interwebs, but it sure is a timesuck. One click on the Barney's web site and a whole half hour is down the tube. How about some fresh air? A 5 minute brisk walk outside will energize you and make you more productive when you get back to your desk.

Photo credit: The Creativity Exchange

Have a very productive workday everyone!

Peace, love, and labelmakers,


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