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Three things Thursday!

Hello Thursday friends!

I'm baaaaack. I missed y'all! So many things to tell you!

(well, er, actually, I only have 3 things to tell you, but still, I'm excited to be back)!

1) I was back on Good Afternoon Arkansas with Elicia Dover and Ned Perme yesterday (No Barry, BUT I finally got to meet Ansley!).

We chatted about taking down ye ole' holiday decor. Check it out here!

2) We bought a house!

When we were living in NYC, buying a home was just not in the cards. Part of the allure of Arkansas was that we could be home owners - and NOW WE ARE! We are currently gutting some of the areas but it will be put back together shortly! I can't wait to document every space that I set up and organize - teeheehee!

3) I'll leave you a little tip for organizing that brain clutter.

So yesterday I was halfway to the set for the show and realized that I forgot a MAJOR prop for my segment. Oops. I had to go back, but I would then run the risk of being late. Sooooo, I did the turn around, got my prop, headed back out, and showed up ALMOST on time. But here's what happened next, being late threw me for a loop and sent me off of my game. I had a ton of stuff to unload for the segment, I was hustling (aka sweating) and just getting unusually nervous and fidgety. This is no good for live TV y'all. So ya know what I did? Once I got my things in order I sat down and started chatting with the other guests. It was important to me to connect to others at that moment to get my head back on straight. I took a deep breath, dabbed my face, and ignored that weird anxiety threatening to tailspin me. You know that trite saying - be the thermostat and not the thermometer? Well, it works. ;)

Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!



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