Cleaning hacks and e-mail list glitches.
Glitch happens.
Sooooo due to a web-based computer glitch, my beautifully 2-year cultivated list of About Space e-mail recipients merged with my regular contact list, so my e-mail recipients now include my drycleaner and a boss from 2002, among others who probably don't care about 3 things Thursday (I know, #rude). So after carefully picking through over 900 contacts to try to decide who actually signed up and who did not, I hope this e-mail is welcome in your inbox! If not, please hit unsubscribe at the bottom with my apologies.
Anyhoo, down to the meat of this post (we haaave the meat). How about chatting about Organizer's BFF, Cleaning? I'm an okay cleaner, but like everything else, hacks make it better. Here are 3 of my favorites.
1) Stainless steel:
Water marks gotcha down? How about fingerprints and peanut butter smears? Not your jam? (snort)
• Wipe it down with baby oil.
YOU'RE WELCOME. It's nothing short of a steel miracle.
2) Windows, mirrors, basically all glass (except screens):
"I can see clearly now that that film of yellow pollen is gone.....". This is my mama's trick (thanks Ms. Frau Kearney!).
• Vinegar and water mixed together and wipe it down with newsprint. Yes, any newspaper will do.
I don't know what lies in this magic, but your windows will be crystal clear (until tomorrow when the pollen come back to claim its newest victim).

3) Red wine:
Those who know me know that I travel with a Bota Box. I thank you for not judging. But all of my clothes are wine stain free - what is this madness?
• Mix together equal parts Dawn (gotta be Dawn, the blue stuff) dishwashing detergent and hydrogen peroxide. Pour the mixture over the wine stain and allow it to soak in. You should see the stain begin to fade almost immediately. After you have allowed the mixture to soak into the stain, launder the clothing normally.
And Voila!
Now we can all go back to drinking.
Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!
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