Do you have kids? Do they have toys? That's a joke, because of course they have toys, lots and lots of painful to step on toys. If you don't have children, you can keep reading for tips to give your slovenly parent friends on how to organize their overabundance of toys..also, you may have pets with toys, so there is that.
1) Do a family purge:
I say this all the time - organizing without decluttering is just moving stuff around. So get together with your brood, take out a few toys depending on age and attention span, and use these points to cull the toy clutter with your kids.
- Is it broken/irreparable?
- Are there pieces missing?
- Have they outgrown the toy? - Do you think another little boy or girl could give this item more love? This is an exercise in giving, and a great way to bring that point home.
- Remind them that if there is no room for toys to come in to their home, then no new toys will be able to come into your home. Are these older, broken, unused toys more important than the Paw Patrol Tower you have your eye on?
Then repeat this process until you have touched every single toy (may take a couple days/weeks, but try to make it a family thing so it's fun!). It's always good to get your kids to think about their possessions in a different way.

2) Use matching bins and label appropriately.
Each bin gets a broad category. Work with kids to make sure that trucks go in the "Wheels" bin, Trolls go in the "Action FIgures" bin, and so-on. They don't teach organization skills in school anymore, it's up to you as a parent to make sure they learn this very important skill at home. If your kids are below reading age, use pictures to denote what goes inside each bin.
Here's a toy room I just worked on that illustrates this process.

2) Display favorite or most played with toys:
If your kids have go-to toys, make them as accessible as possible. Try to set up a display area that will grow with your child's changing interests. Here are some great examples.

Good luck with the toys!
Peace, love, and labelmakers y'all!
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