Almost every client that I work with has boxes upon boxes of "old" photos. Some clients have photos scattered in stacks in every single room, some are in albums, and some have rolls yet to be developed. And of course now we all have digital photos. WHAT TO DO WITH ALL OF IT? It can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to reduce your collection to those photos that you truly cherish and how to digitize those photos to be available to you forever.
1) Purge:
Back in the day we took so many photos because we didn't have the option to review/delete/re-take a photo. Dump those dupes, and if you have several "re-takes" of the same subject matter, pick the best one and toss the rest.

2) Go chronological.
Now that you have selected your finest moments, go back into your memory banks and start sorting by year. You can also do a general sort by interims, i.e. baby, preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, undergrad, first job, etc.

3) Find a forever home for your photos:
Okay so I did my research on how to digitize, store and preserve your photos for years to come. I chose Forever.com for my collection for the following reasons:
• They offer digitizing, so if you don't want to scan in every single photo, they will do it for you (Or ya know, call a sister and I'll scan them for you!).
• Unlike Google photo, Amazon photo, and Facebook, you maintain the full rights to the photos you upload (many of these companies are allowed to use your photos in anyway the like, including losing them).
• TAGGING - this was a big one for me - you can set up tags for every single photo, so say you have a favorite vacation spot, you can tag all photos from that locale #stgeorge, then when you look up #stgeorge in the search bar, you'll find every single photo that shares that tag. So you can tag friends, relatives, places, years, etc. and find every photo that fits that description. • You can share these photos and albums with anyone you choose and they are guaranteed and available for 100 years. ONEHUNDREDYEARS!
• You can make books and photo gifts with your collections
• Friends can join and get 2 free MB of free storage and a $10 gift coupon using this link!
If you have questions - I hope you contact me - would love to tell you more!
Peace, love, and labelmakers yall!
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