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Three things Thursday!


Organizing must haves for under $10.00!

Organizing doesn't have to be expensive...

You can spend a ton to have your pantry look like a Kardashian space, but you don't have to. I try to keep products as inexpensive as possible without losing the integrity of aesthetic. Y'all know I talk about Ikea Skubbs ALL the time - so here are a few other under $10.00 items I like to use in my sessions (and in my own home).

1) IKEA VARIERA $4.50 ea

There is a whole collection at Ikea called Variera (which the container store has knocked off and priced UP!). And I use and love almost every piece. This is the one I use most often. I buy them online in bulk and pay a $9.00 flat delivery fee to Little Rock, (so stock up on your skubbs too to spread that fee out).

photo: pinterest


These are great! I use them for all sorts of stuff and at $8.99 for TWO you just cant lose.

Photo: Pinterest

3) Magazine files $5.99 for 2

Um. I use these EVERYWHERE. They are not just for the office. You can use them to hold those unwieldy water bottles, files (obvi), hot tools, bows, wrapping paper, well, just check out the pics. ;)

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


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