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Three things Thursday!

Falling for Fall.

The change in the weather means a

few changes for your organizing game...

Bring out the jackets and coats, and in some areas, get out the cold weather gear. Check in on your garage so you can fit your car(s) inside, and store all the beach balls and swimmies. It's about time to time to curl up with a good book and a warm cup of soup.

1) Entryway update

Too many jackets hanging on top of each other in my entryway make me a little cray cray. I love this oversize pegboard for an entryway or mudroom. You can add or take away pegs as your jacket usage ebbs and flows.

photo: pinterest

You can easily DIY this or purchase one here on Houzz.


2) Garage Tidying

Time to put away your Summer fun and get out your Fall decorations! And if you can, try to get your car or cars into your garage to shelter them from the weather. If you are VERY seasonal, you may need some extra storage space in your garage for all of that decor. Overhead garage storage can help, AND leave room for your car. Check out overhead storage here:

3) Clean out your pantry

Typically there is a lot more cooking and baking going on during Fall. Is your pantry ready? It's time to pull it all out and get it sorted. Throw out anything expired, store like with like, and take stock (ha!) of what you already have on hand to avoid duplicity. Bin what you can, and of course, give it a good wipe down before you put it back. Happy Fall!

PS I hope you caught my segment on productivity on Good Afternoon Arkansas last week! In case you didn't - here's a link! Productivity Hacks:

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


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