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3 things Thurs: Local online life hacks!


Yo yo yoooo. So last Three things Thursday I spread some love on my local service haunts that make my life easier. Today I'll focus on some local ONLINE haunts that make life easier.

Again - no affiliate links today - I truly love these resources.

Started by realtor Claire Brown as a resource for questions from "how do I launch a business" to "how do I get my kid to eat vegetables?" and everything in between, this Facebook group grew from a few friends to over 3000 readership in less than a year. It is my GO TO RESOURCE for pretty much everything Little Rock. Have a question? It will be answered by smart, funny, women who "get it"(and who also may live down the street) in this great facebook group.

*Also check out the spin-off Little Rock Power Moms!

Struggling to find fun local family activities (that are, ah-hem, wallet friendly)? How about checking out Macaroni Kid North Little Rock? They publish a weekly, hyper-local e-newsletter and website featuring events, activities, products and places for moms, kids and families living in North Little Rock, Sherwood, Maumelle, Scott, and surrounding areas. Macaroni kid connects families through a myriad of events and several social channels. Not to mention, they help the central Arkansas community by connecting businesses and organizations that create amazing events and activities for kids to local families that are looking for them. It's a pretty dope site to fill up your weekend and not break the bank (AND SUPPORT LOCAL - which y'all know I love!).

Okay not a small business but hear me out. Order online, drive up to the pick up lane, run in the store, everything is waiting in your cart, pay, leave, no wandering around that giant store wondering why the toilet paper is 8 miles away - so dreamy. BONUS, unlike Kroger - you can order alcohol online (or so I've heard hehehehehe ;)).

Peace, love, and labelmakers yallz!


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