I hate to be this person BUT IT'S TIME TO TAKE DOWN HOLIDAY DECOR.
Love you bye!
Also - check out all the cool stuff I'm doing to help you lead a clutter-free life!
1) Need a little help on taking down Holiday decor?
Check out the segment I did last week on Good Afternoon Arkansas!
(And yes it takes 2 seconds to load once you get to the page but it's WORTH IT LOL)

2) K this is kind of phoning it in - BUT check me out TODAY at 3PM on Channel 7! I'll be talking about Bathroom organization and it's a GOOD ONE!

Photo = Source unknown
3) I wanna hear from YOU!
What area or space would you like to see featured in a segment? either reply to this e-mail (if you received this via my newsletter) or email me at megan@aboutspaceorganizing.com.
Operators are standing by! Okay not really, but I promise to get back to you in 24 hours or less! Thank you!!!

Peace, love and labelmakers,
#USEFUL #ORGANIZED #HOMEORGANIZATION #ORGANIZEARKANSAS #THREETHINGSTHURSDAY #threethingsthursday #mariekondo #yumbox #organizedcar #swingline #sleekstapler #backtoschool #slimorganiztion #slideoutpantry #wallshelving #dollargeneral #thermometer #rhinovirus #littlerockorganizing #tinyorganization #batteryorganization #labels #getorganized #helpfultips #littlerockhomeorganization #kitchenorganization #entrywayorganization #crockpot #toasteroven #wiremanagement #declutterarkansas #declutter #breadstorage #kidorganization #decluttering #decluttering #organizefortheholidays #littlerock #maumelle #theheights #hillcrest #sherwood #Holidayorganization #purpleteeth #kleenexhouse #pantryorganization #kitchenorganizationwhattotoss #KhloeKardashian #chipandjoannagaines #hgtv #paperclutter #nationalcleanyourdeskday #deskclutter #officeorganization #officedeclutter #officecluetter #toss #declutter #springcleaning #gardeningorganization #outdoororganization #moving #sellingyourhome #realestate