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3 Things Thursday: Pantry in a wad?

......Check a sista out TODAY on Good Afternoon Afternoon Arkansas! I'll be discussing the below tips and MORE on Pantry Organization!

1) Decant - Not just for wine anymore - I decant ERRERYTHANG - Usually in an Oxo Pop canister - from Dishwasher pods to crackers. AND PLEASE RECYCLE DAT PACKAGING. Decanting looks nicer, yes, but you can also much more easily tell what you have and when you will run out. PRO TIP - if there are special instructions for say, pasta, rice, etc., tape the instructions on the back, under the lid, or on the bottom.

And label those bad boys!

**Bonus points if you have a vinyl cutter label or these labels from Amazon.

I pretty much have these permanently in stock in my garage for clients. I order them from Ikea (they will ship any marketplace items to you for a small flat fee). And I use them in every room in the house. They are the perfect size (actually, 2 perfect sizes), and they are excellent in any pantry.

*Photo from Pinterest

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


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