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3 Things Thursday: What about your Car? (Part 1)


......Check a sista out TODAY on Good Afternoon Afternoon Arkansas! I'll be discussing the below tips and MORE on Car Organization!

1) Never leave your car empty handed - As with any behavior modification - this is a tough one - but once you get into the habit - you'll find you'll rarely have trash or unwanted items left in your car when you get back in. Take something with you (and have your kids/passengers do the same!). **This will also alleviate the need to have some sort of trashcan in your car!

I think these are called "kick organizers"(because little people like to give it a good kick when they are in their car seats). But it's great for sliding in an ipad for long trips, holding cups, snacks, umbrellas, wipes and napkins - basically anything you may need to keep handy in your car. It keeps stuff up, out of the way and off the floor. Win win!

Be sure and tune in today - and if you can't I'll post the video on social media tonight!

Peace, love, and labelmakers!


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